Digital Skills Space

The Digital Skills Space is a regular space to learn, practice and share tips to work with digital data and enhance reproducible research.

The idea is to carve out a space in our schedules for investing in our digital skills, from managing and processing our data, to exploring it with tables and plots, to reporting it in a reliable and reproducible way. These are tasks that often take a lot of time and bring deep frustration, because we are either not trained at it or the only training we received is abstract and applied to fictitious and/or unrelatable examples. However, well acquired skills can save us a lot of time and effort, so that we can better focus our energies on content and analysis. This is what this space is for.

It is organized within the Linguistics Department of the Faculty of Arts, KU Leuven. It takes place every Friday from 11:00 to 13:00.

For any questions, please contact Mariana Montes.