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This function takes a dataframe with glosses and returns another function that takes either an id or list of ids (if use_conditionals is FALSE) or a conditional statement (if TRUE) and runs gloss_df() on the filtered dataframe.


  use_conditionals = FALSE,
  id_column = "label",
  ignore_columns = NULL,
  validate = TRUE



Dataframe with gloss data.


Boolean. If TRUE, the returned function will use conditional statements to filter the dataframe. Otherwise, it will use ids and match them to the values in the id_column.


Name of the column with ids for filtering, if use_conditionals is FALSE.


Optional character vector with names of columns that could be used for filtering but should not be provided to gloss_df().


Boolean. If TRUE, running gloss_factory() will print a few informative messages about how glossr is reading the dataframe.


A function.

If use_conditionals is FALSE (the default), the returned function will take a character vector or a series of character vectors with id's to filter. If id_column is "label", running that function will be the equivalent to filtering glosses based on the values in the label column.

If use_conditionals is TRUE, the returned function will take the same conditions that a dplyr::filter() would.


my_glosses <- dplyr::select(glosses, -language)
by_label <- gloss_factory(my_glosses)
#>  The following columns will be used for the gloss texts, in the following order:
#>  `source` (not aligned!)
#>  `original` and `parsed` (aligned columns)
#>  `translation` (not aligned!)
#>  The `label` column will be used for labels.

#> [1] "\\ex\\label{heartwarming-jp} \\begingl \\glpreamble Shindo 2015:660// \\gla Kotae-nagara otousan to okaasan wa honobonoto atatakai2 mono ni tsutsum-areru kimochi ga shi-ta.// \\glb reply-while father and mother \\textsc{top} heartwarming warm thing with surround-\\textsc{pass} feeling \\textsc{nom} do-\\textsc{pst}// \\glft \"While replying (to your question), Father and Mother felt like they were surrounded by something heart warming.\"// \n \\endgl \\xe \n"
#> attr(,"class")
#> [1] "gloss"     "character"
#> attr(,"data")
#> # A tibble: 1 × 5
#>   original                                       parsed translation label source
#>   <chr>                                          <chr>  <chr>       <chr> <chr> 
#> 1 Kotae-nagara otousan to okaasan wa honobonoto… "repl… While repl… hear… Shind…

by_label("heartwarming-jp", "languid-jp")
#> [1] "\\ex\\label{heartwarming-jp} \\begingl \\glpreamble Shindo 2015:660// \\gla Kotae-nagara otousan to okaasan wa honobonoto atatakai2 mono ni tsutsum-areru kimochi ga shi-ta.// \\glb reply-while father and mother \\textsc{top} heartwarming warm thing with surround-\\textsc{pass} feeling \\textsc{nom} do-\\textsc{pst}// \\glft \"While replying (to your question), Father and Mother felt like they were surrounded by something heart warming.\"// \n \\endgl \\xe \n"
#> [2] "\\ex\\label{languid-jp} \\begingl \\glpreamble Shindo 2015:660// \\gla Ainiku sonna shumi wa nai. Tsumetai-none. Kedaru-souna koe da-tta.// \\glb unfortunately such interest \\textsc{top} not.exist cold-\\textsc{emph} languid-seem voice \\textsc{cop-pst}// \\glft \"Unfortunately I never have such an interest. You are so cold. (Her) voice sounded languid.\"// \n \\endgl \\xe \n"                                                                                   
#> attr(,"class")
#> [1] "gloss"     "character"
#> attr(,"data")
#> # A tibble: 2 × 5
#>   original                                       parsed translation label source
#>   <chr>                                          <chr>  <chr>       <chr> <chr> 
#> 1 Kotae-nagara otousan to okaasan wa honobonoto… "repl… While repl… hear… Shind…
#> 2 Ainiku sonna shumi wa nai. Tsumetai-none. Ked… "unfo… Unfortunat… lang… Shind…

by_cond <- gloss_factory(my_glosses, use_conditional = TRUE)
#>  The following columns will be used for the gloss texts, in the following order:
#>  `source` (not aligned!)
#>  `original` and `parsed` (aligned columns)
#>  `translation` (not aligned!)
#>  The `label` column will be used for labels.
by_cond(stringr::str_ends(label, "jp"))
#> [1] "\\ex\\label{heartwarming-jp} \\begingl \\glpreamble Shindo 2015:660// \\gla Kotae-nagara otousan to okaasan wa honobonoto atatakai2 mono ni tsutsum-areru kimochi ga shi-ta.// \\glb reply-while father and mother \\textsc{top} heartwarming warm thing with surround-\\textsc{pass} feeling \\textsc{nom} do-\\textsc{pst}// \\glft \"While replying (to your question), Father and Mother felt like they were surrounded by something heart warming.\"// \n \\endgl \\xe \n"
#> [2] "\\ex\\label{languid-jp} \\begingl \\glpreamble Shindo 2015:660// \\gla Ainiku sonna shumi wa nai. Tsumetai-none. Kedaru-souna koe da-tta.// \\glb unfortunately such interest \\textsc{top} not.exist cold-\\textsc{emph} languid-seem voice \\textsc{cop-pst}// \\glft \"Unfortunately I never have such an interest. You are so cold. (Her) voice sounded languid.\"// \n \\endgl \\xe \n"                                                                                   
#> attr(,"class")
#> [1] "gloss"     "character"
#> attr(,"data")
#> # A tibble: 2 × 5
#>   original                                       parsed translation label source
#>   <chr>                                          <chr>  <chr>       <chr> <chr> 
#> 1 Kotae-nagara otousan to okaasan wa honobonoto… "repl… While repl… hear… Shind…
#> 2 Ainiku sonna shumi wa nai. Tsumetai-none. Ked… "unfo… Unfortunat… lang… Shind…