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glossr 0.7.0

CRAN release: 2023-03-18

  • Word and HTML examples that don’t need alignment look better.

  • New options for Latex rendering.

glossr 0.6.1

CRAN release: 2022-09-19

  • Removed tests for compatibility with flextable changes.

glossr 0.6.0

CRAN release: 2022-08-18

glossr 0.5.1

CRAN release: 2022-06-08

  • New option to add spacing above and below the glosses in PDF.

  • Read Latex coding of “zero” for HTML. (TODO figure out for Word.)

  • Fix the expex latex dependency for compatibility with Xelatex.

glossr 0.5.0

  • The default styling of the lines has no italics or bold but it is possible to define a consistent style (italics or bold) for each of the elements of a gloss. See vignette('styling').

glossr 0.4.0

  • New and better error messages.

  • The translation is Word output now spans as long as the content (it might be too long and the user might have to shorten the table).

  • add_gloss() and gloss_df() have a new output_format argument to set a specific format.

glossr 0.3.0

glossr 0.2.0

  • Create class gloss_data to read and manage data from glosses. Now as_gloss() doesn’t care about “parsed”, “original” or any other other argument names beyond “translation”, “label” and “source”. All other names will be interpreted as lines to align (with a maximum of 3).

  • A source can now be printed at the top of the gloss example.

  • Translations are automatically surrounded by quotation marks. The actual quotation marks can be removed or replaced either by giving them as the trans_quotes argument to as_gloss() or by setting options("glossr.trans.quotes" = "yourquotes").

  • Adapt gloss_pdf() and gloss_html() to work with gloss_data.

  • The LateX package used for pdf now is exPex instead of gb4e. No need to add \noautomath.